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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Quick Ride at Pinehurst and a movie

No ride today. Rained in the afternoon, so we decided to see Machete. It was definitely over the top. So over the top that it was laugh out loud hilarious.

I got back from a drive to Miami with no A/C at about 4:30. The heat definitely took it out of me and I was asleep within minutes of getting back.  I got to Pinehurst after 6:30. First lap was all reds except Barkalounger and another very rooty part on the other side of the trail. I like the roots here. I like getting through them, but I knew I was running late and wanted to get as much riding as I could in. I finished the lap at a respectable 33 minutes. This lap was 4.16 miles. I was able to clear the double logs easy today. Just needed some momentum! I was floored that I made it over them. I saw the part where I flipped yesterday and I really should have seen the small log if it was still light out.

Second lap started right at 7. This was no good after I got past the double logs again. Not wanting a repeat of last night, I bailed at the SW corner at 8.11 miles. So that's right at 6.5 trail miles.

I've got more miles in me, but I'm getting to the trail too late. I also got two full rotations out of my cranks when I was in some roots today because I was way over my bars again and my back tire gained altitude and lost all connection to the ground. I stopped for a second and had a good laugh as to what I probably looked like when this happened.  I think I could have made it out if I had left on my second lap no later than 6:45. Sunset was at 7:32 pm today. I left the trail at 7:20 and I still had 10-15 minutes in front of me. Therefore, I need 45 min before sunset to feel comfortable I think. I got a total of 11 miles today on the bike, and 174 total.  I think I will concentrate more on the trail miles than the street miles from now on. I still need a day or two to spin my legs up quickly, so I will still do road riding, just not as much as I have been so far.

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