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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

To Texas, Christmas, New Years, and back to Florida

No ride today.  Just getting things ready for the trip back to Texas.

Today, I worked till 5 then headed to Everette’s for smoking of the pork shoulder till midnite. We made a large fire (for a driveway) and had a good time.  We left a little after midnight in hopes of getting some rest before leaving for Texas.

I made chili for the EOC potluck and had a good time.  We packed up and headed for Texas by 4 pm. I'm already tired and we just started. I pulled over after Pensacola because of a lot of fog.  Jordan ended up driving most of the time on this trip, which marks the first time I haven’t driven my share on any trip back and forth to Florida.  I know being sick did not help at all and I felt the worst during this time.

Jordan and I made the trip back to Texas with a few wrong turns and me being pretty sick and not driving much.  We arrived at about noon. I had some delicious Taco Bueno with my brother then passed out until Jamie came back home at about 6. This cold is kicking my butt.  Jamie asked if I wanted to go to see Black Swan with her friends in the evening, but I was exhausted and just felt like sleeping.

It was my boss' annual Christmas party and I had a good time seeing people I hadn't seen for most of the year from work and SCUBA. I did have an issue understanding people because I couldn't hear well due to the cold.

I went to the gunshow with my dad and brother. We didn't find anything that we just HAD to have, so we left after about an hour.  I did see Jimmy, Chas, his family, and Jim though.  Later I went shopping with my Mom for presents.

I went riding finally with my brother! This is the first time since may we've been able to work our schedules into a ride since April or May this year. We went to River Legacy where we lost each other within 5 minutes. I did get to do the new EKG portion of the trail. It is awesome! I realized that I lost Ryan here and spent the next 25 minutes looking for him in the 7 miles of trails. I did 5 miles today and How did I only do 5 miles when the trail is 7 miles long?  There are several loops off of the main trial.  I skipped all the loops hoping I'd catch up to him.  708 total on the bike. I can’t wait to go out again!

12-21-2010 to 1-3-2011
I took a break from riding due to cold weather and trails being closed. I had a great Christmas and New Year.  All of these days kinda rolled together, so I'm making this one big post.

My friend, Eric got 2 tickets 6 rows up at the Stars game at center ice.  It was my first time to a game.  I guess I thought it would be more fun in person. I was a bit disappointed especially after the fight in which the Dallas guy got his face beat in, but stayed up (won) and the opponent lost after falling down from exerting himself beating the other guy.

On Christmas, We watched my nephew open up presents and he had a blast!  He was smiling like crazy running all over opening up his stuff.  It reminds me of how important family is during this time.  Jamie and I got him a slide.  I think he likes it.

Gage slide from Pete Weydeck on Vimeo.

I ended up getting a new i9 wheelset for Christmas from my family and wife and a Niner One 9 frame, as well as a Chris King headset from my brother.

I purchased the wheelset from a guy on the website.  He had changed the front quick release to 15mm through axle for his fork.  I needed a 9mm quick release put back on, so I took it to Knobbies and Slicks in Colleyville.  I also ordered a Niner 20T cog for the new wheels, as well as a spacer kit.  I ended up talking to the owner Bud for awhile and mentioned the closeout price on the One 9 I had seen online.  He offered to match the price with what he could order from 2010 and what he had in stock.  He had only 1 One 9 in stock.  It was blue and medium.  I loved it and told my wife about it jokingly thinking that she’d say go get it.  I got a great surprise when she gave me the ok.  I headed right back and picked it up and had the headset installed into the frame.  I can transfer all of my current components from the Monocog except for the bottom bracket (I got one that would fit for $5 on sale) and a 31.6 mm seatpost.  I decided not to buy parts to be “until I can afford good ones” on this bike.  I will buy the parts that I want when I can afford them.  That being said, I hope to get a Niner carbon fork for Valentine’s or my birthday. I can’t wait to start the build!
I'm pretty happy with my new purchase
The beginning
Yeah, it glows in the dark!

Jamie and I relaxed at home for New Year's Eve and I was asleep before 11.  Jordan and I ended driving back to Florida on Monday January 3rd, so we'd be back in time for a training class in Palm Beach. I was able to fit the new wheelset into the car, but not the bike.  It was a bit of a shock when I found out it wouldn't fit, so I'll either be shipping it to Florida or bringing it back on a trip to Texas.

I went riding with Jordan for a short one at Pinehurst. Only 8 miles on the bike today. 716 overall. I can definitely feel that I didn't ride much over the holidays.

1-5-2011 to 1-7-2011
I had no time for a ride with training class that lasted from 8:30 to 4:30. Next week should be much better for riding time.  At lunch one day, I did find something interesting.  I'm not sure what the purpose of mounting a shovel to your motorcycle is.  I can only imagine it's for burying rivals or bashing in zombie skulls on the highway.

I did 2 laps at Pinehurst. The first with Jordan to show him how to do portions of the trail. He was able to make it over some pretty difficult objects today. At a double set of logs he got his handlebars twisted and went over them pretty hard, which took the wind out of him. I found out a few days later he bruised his ribs and it still is bothering him. Second lap was much faster by myself and ended up with 28:12. I may have been a bit faster, but I ended up running up on a rider who I saw start to go around an obstacle and then turned back towards it at the last second This would have been ok if he had not crashed right in front of me, which caused me to lock up my front wheel and eject me over the first log. I also missed an easy obstacle early on. I'm hoping to get sub 28 min laps soon. Total miles for the day 16. Total in the bike 732.

Miami Oleta River Park with Jimmy and Jordan. I had a great 2 hours and did some trails I had never done before. I goofed on a few that I knew I could do and finished several that I had issues with before. Oyster Ridge gave me multiple problems and may have just been a body english issue with climbing/ tire combo. I also did the back part of the park, which was awesome although it was longer than I thought it would be. This extra time left Jimmy and Jordan waiting awhile at the truck. I did 15 miles for the day. 747 total.

1 lap at Pinehurst. 27:07. Fastest lap by over a minute. I was movin’ today! I went hard and I believe my rear wheel paid the price for it. I haven't looked at it much since I trued it the last time about a month ago. Over the last few outings, I've felt my spokes and been able to tighten them by hand. I knew I should have done this sooner, but I put it off. Alas, I had to true them up again tonight. I'm excited to put on the new rims that I got over Christmas when Jamie sends me my new cog.

No ride today.  It was a little cool today at 55 degrees.  Funny thing is that Florida is the only state (including Hawaii) that doesn't have snow today.  I also waited most of the day for the website I am working on to come online and find a replacement hard drive, since mine has begun making not so nice sounds every once in awhile.

1 comment:

  1. Your nephew is awesome, by the way. Your new bike looks ok, but the nephew...he's awesome!
