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Monday, July 4, 2011

Home, floors, New bike build, Car, New toys

I couldn't keep up with my daily updates on my phone or even regular updates on the blog, so I'm going to share what's happened in the last month or so.  I'm going to do my best to explain through pictures, so here goes.  I've been home so far for almost a month and a half and I'm loving it.  This is the longest I've been home in many years.  It feels great to be normal and be home with my wife and family instead of being 1500 miles away.

I've been particularly busy ripping out and putting in hardwood floors into my home.  I had a lot of help from my family, especially my Dad in putting the floors in.  I literally don't think I could have done it without my Dad and it was a great experience to work together with him on a project as large as the floors. The project took about 6 weeks in which my house turned from normal, to abysmal, to awesome.  We ripped out tile and carpet, I smoothed out concrete until it was worthy of my floors, we made crazy cuts to make pieces fit and at one point, I spent 4 hours putting one piece of wood down. Crazy, but worth it for sure.  The house looks great, the only thing left is to do the quarter round which I plan on doing as I get to it.

New Bike Build
I also had my Niner built up.  It's awesome and I really like it for the small amount of time that I was able to ride it so far.  I was able to take it to Big Cedar after several incident with trying out different chains and setups of the EBB.  I had to send it to Florida, thinking I would be leaving a week later to ride it only to find out that I would be staying for at least several more weeks in Texas. This extra time has allowed me to finish the floors, which I am glad to get done and have my house somewhat back to normal.

New Car
I've had my Jeep for 18 years now and it's been great.  I have put nearly 150,000 miles on it, but being our only car for over two years has taken its toll on the older vehicle, so we decided to buy a new Kia Sorento, which absolutely rocks. I love riding in it and making excuses to do errands in it.  That being said, my Jeep is now completely in its element with its top and doors off, ready to cruise around till the end of the summer.

I had a birthday.  My wife was kind enough to get me a Go Pro camera to record my bike riding adventures. I also got a new computer. I'll report more on these later.

It's been a crazy month and a half and although I haven't been able to ride much, I'm happy I've been able to accomplish so much with my house with the help of my family.  I'm hoping April brings me an opportunity to put lots more miles on my bikes.

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