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Sunday, October 31, 2010


Ok, so I didn't update my blog for almost 2 months.  Why you may ask?  It all began with my trip to Texas in September.  I got behind posting and I was trying to figure out a way to put up all of these days of riding.  I put all my notes about riding in my iPhone and copy the notes to the blog.  It may not be the most efficient way of doing things, but it helps keep the notes with me whenever I want to look at it and doesn't depend on an internet connection.  I got an app to blog with and will try that out soon to see if I can post really quickly after a ride.  With that being said, here are my October rides:

I changed Jordan's pedals before all three of us left for the trail around 5:15.  I also tightened my chain because it felt loose and sloppy yesterday, aired up the tires to about 35 lbs and it was perfect. I rode the trails at Pinehurst 2x. First time by myself basically. Jimmy was ahead of me somehow in the first 3/4 of a mile. I was able to finish in 29 min. I was very pleased about this. I talked to Jordan and Jimmy after and we did one more lap. I tried to show them the way around the reds, but we became separated about 1/2 way through.

Markham it was today! Markham is a county park in Broward County, FL.  It's map can be found here. Wow! I can't tell you how awesome this trail is. It gives a lot of variety. I did 11 hard miles today. It was a beating in some places going up and going down, especially the one called Crime Scene. The concrete hill slowed me down pretty quickly and I wasn't able to make it to the top, so I walked up. I figured the downhill wouldn't be any more difficult than the others I had done, but if you don't pay attention, it certainly is. You see, I was very focused on the portion directly in front of me and I needed to look ahead a bit more. I didn't see there were 3 drops and I came down a bit fast, grabbed my brakes and the rear of my bike pivoted to the right and pinned my right leg between the now backwards facing frame and my handlebars. I was hopping down the hill hoping against hope that I wouldn't get seriously hurt. I fell off the hill and trail eventually and was relatively unscathed, just a scratch from my cog. I felt very lucky in my opinion and it made me more focused for the test of the trail system. 11 miles today and Total miles to date 276.

I started riding with Jimmy and Jordy beginning with Fishing Hole Loop, then to Armadillo, Redback (first ladder section), Traverse, Supercross, Eviction, Outback, Upback, Puma Trail, Outback Extension (part of), Double Cross, Crime Scene, Jetski Hill, Twisted Trail, Lost Ring, Bermuda Triangle, Washing Machine, Deep Dark Forest, Rock Garden, Area 51, Pipeline, Grassy Knoll. I think I rode Alligator Alley, Big Gulp, and Black Snake. This was a fantastic day to ride and I had way more fun than I thought I would.

Dead. That's how I felt today. I slept till 11 and I was exhausted on the trail. I made simple mistakes. I couldn't break the funk i was in. My legs felt like jello. I kept a good pace till 3/4 and I was done. I didn't want to ride after the first lap. I think yesterdays hard ride got to me today. I couldn't keep my pace no matter what I tried. I did the lap at Pinehurst in 32 min. Slow for me. I headed for the apartment. 

Suddenly I felt a ton better. I was out of the heat of the woods and into fresh air. I could make my legs move again. I decided to try Okeeheelee and let my legs spin up. I wanted to get up to 10 miles, but I ended up feeling good enough to do 26. That's 302 total on the bike.

No ride today. Jordy and I went to a bike shop and he got a pair of SPD bike shoes, a fork mount for the truck, and ordered some grips for his bike. His new rear tire and pedals should arrive Wednesday. 

Jordan and I spent till about 8:15 getting the bikes mounted in the back of Jimmys truck. This should make traveling a bit easier on the bikes.

Longest ride yet today. I rode Pinehurst 3x with ride times of 29:10, 28:54, and 28:35. I pushed hard today. I then rode to Okeeheelee and did another 14 miles. All told 28 miles today and 330 total. My legs were getting tired on the last part of the ride and the seat became less than comfortable after 18 miles. This has happened almost every time I have gone about 20 miles. Maybe the Rocket V saddle will be happening sooner than later.

I felt great today. I'm glad I rested my legs yesterday. I also know I need to regrease and take a look at the headset. It's been getting loose alot and has some sand in it.

Longest day is followed by pitifully short day. 1 lap at Pinehurst at 31:14 and finished at Okeeheelee with 11 miles for the day. 341 total. My back was killing me this afternoon. My lower back just wouldn't stop hurting on the trail. As soon as I got off, it felt better, but not great. Decided to rest it a bit tonight in hopes of feeling better tomorrow for a good ride with Jordan and his new stuff which I am putting on tonite.

This was a very early start to the day. I mean early because I was up till 5 am with putting my bike back together. You see, at 10 pm, I headed out to find grease to relube my headset. And of course, I wasn't tired at 11 when I got back, so I did the sensible thing and cleaned my bike by wiping down and relubing every part. The thing is with a bike headset is that you really need to know what order you take things out of as well as their orientation on the bike. I ended up putting the fork on 3 or 4 times because I couldn't remember which way the bearings faced in the headset.

I also took apart the front ring and put it back on a number of times to get the chainline correct. So after watching all my recorded shows and a movie, I realized it was 3:30 am. I was finished with most of the bike clean and lube, but I had to clean up my mess still. That took about an hour, and then I needed to shower and clean myself up, so I got into bed around 5 and got to sleep around 5:30 or 6.

The good thing is I learned a lot about my bike today,  but was a little too exhausted to ride.

I headed out with Jordy at about 5 to go to Pinehurst. He and I split at Okeeheelee so he could try out his new pedals and get used to them a bit. I rode 3 laps at Pinehurst today. First lap was 28:54, second was all blues and I got 16:09 and third lap was probably 30-31 minutes. I'm not sure because I didn't start my stopwatch when I started riding. 

I finished with 14 miles on the bike today for a total of 355 miles on the bike.  I had a bit of lower back pain after going over a lot of roots. Hopefully, this goes away soon.

First and only lap 30:25 at Pinehurst. I met and talked to Dennis about his Surly Pugsley. Holy crap! Those tires are gigantic. They certainly do pay off in the sand though. My biggest issue this week is slogging though the sand. 2.2 Kenda Nevegals just don't cut it, when it's this dry. 

He mentioned he helped clear West Delray Regional Park today and I'm excited about going tomorrow morning with Jordan. I did some adjustments before the ride with pushing my saddle forward a bit and angling my brake levers up a bit too. Seems to have helped my lower back and maybe my thumbs. Dennis showed me some "sand mountains" close by and I was amazed at how tall they were. They were at tree top level. Pretty neat looking out over them. I will have to bring a camera sometime. I rode back towards the apartment and did 2 loops around the neighborhood for 12 miles for the day and 367 total. 

This was a very short ride today, but at a great new place, West Delray Regional Park (click for map) off 441 and Atlantic. This trail was helped immensely by the clearing done yesterday by FORCE members. This trail needs to be ridden soon to bed the trail in. I took it slow because I had never ridden it completely. It's not the most well marked, so I highly recommend that riders take it slow at least the first time and probably the second as well. The trail seems to be right at 2.75 miles how I rode it. I'm pretty sure I made the correct turns in the right places, but with very few markings, it's difficult at times to navigate. Going slower means you're probably not going to clear all the obstacles the first time. It takes some momentum to get through the roots and rocks and logs. Just take note and attack the second time. The grass needs to get bedded down to make the trail more rideable. The trail seems far removed from the urban jungle once you get inside the overhead areas. I had some doubts as to how this trail would turn out and I can tell you I was pleasantly surprised at how fun it was.

Today was Quiet Waters with Jordan.  We did 1 lap, 7 miles. Fun little park. Almost all of it was in the open, so it got pretty hot. After riding, I headed across the street to where I purchased my bike, Jim's Bicycles.  I talked to JT and he was happy to help me get my bottom bracket tightened up.  No charge, of course for this, which was awesome.  I asked about a new headset and how much to put it on.  Again, no charge.  This is place is awesome.

We got back to the apt around 5:30, so I headed to Pinehurst, did a lap in 29:25. I was happy with that, so I headed to Okeeheelee to finish the ride with 30 miles on the bike for the day and I have 400 on the bike overall. Yay.

Jordan and I headed to baseball game in Tampa to watch the Rangers clinch the American League Division Series. On to the Yankees! I decided to go back to Texas with Jordan to surprise my wife and my family at the end of the week.

Work work work and then played some Medal of Honor on 360. Fun, but I'm tired.

Jordan and I left at 2:30 pm for Texas on a surprise trip home. Took about 21 hours with Jordy. We brought our bikes. I'm excited to try some trails with the Monocog

We arrived at 10:30 am. I am exhausted. I drove about 12 hours today. Jamie almost shot me. Yes, surprising my wife is not a good idea. Went to the fair with Eric, Sean, and my wonderful wife. Legs feet and brain were tired. Very very tired.

I rode River Legacy once for 7 miles. Much better flow and way drier. Fast and fun. They even put in a teeter totter! Jamie worked today. I picked her up at 10 PM and went to Tim and Michelle's. We enjoyed Katy Perry's "talents" as an actress on SNL. We introduced Jamie to foosball and played some Scattegories till 2 am. 407 miles total.

River Legacy 1st lap 34 min 6.6 miles. not too shabby. Average speed 11.56 mph. Passed a bunch of people a couple times because I took longer routes. Funtown is fun. I do want to know the flow in this part, but I think it's just a play area and not a singletrack part f the trail. I hurried last mile to keep peeps behind me. 2nd lap was 6.5 miles (only did one time through Funtown. Had to stop once to adjust brake and found out later that I had to adjust because I didn't tighten the chain tensioner enough. Had to stop a second time for loose headset. Felt slower overall, but finished with a slightly faster pace. 3rd lap was 6.5 miles in 33:11. I saw a copperhead on the side of the trail and it freaked me out a bit. I bunny hopped as I went by because it started to coil up as I got closer. I stopped once to help a guy find his way out of the trail and another as kids were playing on the teeter totter. Finished with 20 miles for the day and 427 on the bike. This bike is awesome!

I switched it up and went for a ride on my road bike to River Legacy and did the paved trails 2x and back to house. 40 miles. Fun ride. Much faster pace than I'm used to.

10-19-2010 to 10-21-2010
No riding. Shoulder was sore. Added disc brakes to Monocog.

Did River Legacy off road trail 1st lap 34 min. Took it easy and made a few wrong turns. Oh well. 2nd lap 33:30. Still slow, but ok. Arm feels better and stronger now. 13 miles today. 440 total on the Monocog.

Maybe the shortest ride so far. I waited a bit to ride to see if I could ride with my brother and eventually got to River Legacy trail at about 1:30. The trail was closed, but looked fine. I waited a few minutes and saw about 5 riders go ahead of me. I got my bike off the rack and got ready to ride. I got 1/8 of a mile into the trail when I heard and felt tons of rain coming down. I hurried back to the Jeep to get out of the rain and hoped the rain would pass quickly. It didn't pass, and I headed to Taco Bueno instead. Combo number 5, simply fantastic. No real ride, but I did see 2 other 29ers at the trailhead. One was a rigid EMD 9 and the other was another rigid that I couldn't remember. 

I got to enjoy a leisurely ride with my wife on out road bikes at river legacy (paved). We rode 8.8 miles and there was tons of water and mud on the trail. I was surprised to see how much Jamie's bike was covered with mud between the fork and the tire. It basically kept her from getting any fun out of her ride. I had a lot of fun and I'm lucky that my wife enjoys going riding with me.

Jordan and I drove back to Florida. 21 hours of driving. I got gas in my mouth after stopping in Mississippi for gas. Even sour patch kids do not get rid of the taste.

After arriving in Palm Beach at 5:30 and getting to sleep at 6:30, I got up at 9:30 to look at my computer all day. I'm lucky the guys I work with like to ride, because it spurred me to get a quick ride in this afternoon. I did one lap at Pinehurst. It was the first time with the new brakes here and it was great. After spinning fast in Texas, I felt much quicker riding here. I didn't push too hard and I completed the lap in 29:11. Pretty decent since I missed several obstacles that I normally fly through. I think being able to stretch my legs a bit in Texas helped a lot. I was doing 15 mph on the paved paths on the way to the trail without any trouble at all. The brakes seem (yes, I know it's in my head) to make the bike lighter up front and more flickable. I rode back to the apartment and around the neighborhood and finished with 10 miles for the day, 450 on the Monocog.

7 mile ride this morning at 7:30. It was a slow ride at 36:10 because it was so wet on the trail. Every log was super slick. It was better than laying in bed though. My bike is covered with sand.  It's everywhere! I was hoping to ride in the afternoon, but after finally finally finishing an 6 month project today, I was toast, so I'll try to ride twice tomorrow. 457 miles total.

I was going to ride this morning, but slept late. I rode in the afternoon at Pinehurst for 7 miles. I took all the really really rooty portions this time. I finished in 33:15. I also met some people coming at me on the trail and let them know they were going the wrong way. I decided to take it easy after being behind them for awhile. I came upon a woman and her husband that were just getting back into riding after her knee surgery. I was pretty sweaty after getting done. I miss the speed and smoothness of river legacy. Pinehurst is great because it's right next to the apt, but it's difficult to pass people here and the roots slow down the flow quite a bit. I may start doing a red loop blue loop pattern to get my legs spinning more. The bike is much cleaner today after riding than it was yesterday morning. 464 miles on the Monocog.

It rained till 3 today. The ground is too soaked to ride. Sadness. I will be catching up on tv tonight.

Pinehurst 4x. Pretty tired after. I came up behind 3 people in laps 1,2 and 4. I kept my lap times at 30 and 31 minutes for the first 3 laps and 33 min for my final lap. I also did the more difficult red sections and will be riding through those from now on, or at least attempting to ride through them. It was 21 miles of riding and I was out for nearly 3 hours this afternoon.  Quite a ride for me.  I now have 485 miles on the Monocog.  I suspect I will make my 600 miles by November 13th, but will not make 800 miles on December 13th because I will be back in Texas quite a bit.

Happy Halloween.  Unfortunately, no ride today.  The weather was nice, but when I went to the store this afternoon, my knees didn't feel great when I was crouched down looking for something in the bottom shelf.  So, I gave it a rest today and will be ready to ride in the morning hopefully.  I probably could have gone out today, but I didn't want to risk it and get myself hurt.  Yesterdays trail ride was pretty rough on me, so I took it easy, updated the blog and had some nachos.

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