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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

November coolness rolls into South Florida

The new month has gotten off to a slow start. I planned on going riding in the morning. Not trusting the interwebs for information, I concluded that the sun should be up 30 minutes before it would be. Lo and behold this morning, guess what happened at 6:45? Yep, that's right, it was still dark. Apparently, my willpower is no match for gravity and planetary orbits and such. So, what to do so early? Go back to sleep of course. By the time I awoke, it was too late to begin a ride in time for work. 

At about 5, I headed out with Jordan to Pinehurst. I did one lap all reds in a little more than 30 minutes. I saw it was nearly 6, getting dark, and about to rain. I begrudgingly headed back to the apartment, but decided to ride a bit at Okeeheelee. A bit in this context is defined as me not being able to see much anymore due to the decreasing light. I got back at about 7:20 with 21 miles for the day and 506 miles on the bike.

I decided to try to use a cage and water bottle today. I also ordered my avid speed dial 7 levers, which should be in on Friday. I also decided at lunch to clean my bike and relube my chain. The bike hadn’t been cleaned since Texas, so it certainly didn’t hurt to be clean again. The cage and bottle combo worked well today, although I should have probably drank a bit more water before I went for my ride seeing that the bottle is only 24 oz. I rode a fast first lap at Pinehurst at 29:10. My second lap started about 6, as it was getting dark out. I took it easy and was going to focus on the harder, red, rooty portions. I finished in a respectable 33:15. Not fast, but that's not what I was going for. I tried out Jordan's saddle bag, but it was simply too big for what I want. Stuff was flying all around inside it and made a ton of noise. I am really happy with how simple my bike is.  It’s awesome how it makes virtually no noise and I like to keep it that way.

Then rode to Okeeheelee for another 10 miles as the sun was setting and darkness took over. I finished with 21 miles for the day and 527 on the bike.

I am beginning to look at new tires as my Kenda Nevegals are starting to wear. I've used them everywhere and I like them, but I may try something with a little less rolling resistance around Christmas. I priced a headset at about $60 from Jim’s Bicycles in Deerfield. That price is about what others charge, but they will install it for free for me. I called all around the West Palm Area for the Avid Speed Dial 7 brake levers and no one had them in stock. This wasn't surprising, but the salespeople here could learn a little about how to talk to customers. Some shops just told me that they didn't have it. Some offered me something I didn't ask for and only 2 said they could order them and get them to me by Friday. Jim’s was the natural choice as they were the same price and they know who I am. I really like that place even though it's a 45 min drive. I need to find a good shop like that in Texas.

No ride today. Relaxed a bit and had dinner with Jordan, Jimmy and Everette instead. I'm looking forward to my new levers Friday! By the way fried squash is awesome.

Rain, so no riding today.

It rained pretty good last night, but skies were clear all day. I was able to pick up my levers from Jim’s at about 5 pm. Since Jim’s is across from Quiet Waters, I really wanted to ride with the new levers. Jimmy was nice enough to let me borrow his truck so I could ride the park.

The levers are awesome. I felt like they were quite responsive and I know I haven’t adjusted them very well yet, so I'm excited to play around with them a bit. I will say I like my hand position, especially the reach. Quiet Waters was fun even though I got passed by 3 guys. I was puttering along for the most part since I don't know my way around here very well. I did 6 miles and have 533 miles on the bike. I did the trail in about 40 minutes. Not very fast today at all. There's a bit more hills at this park than at Pinehurst. I enjoyed the hills, but I was slipping and sliding around a ton! I didn't like that. I had the biggest problem when I was standing up. I was standing because it's a pretty rocky trail. It's only so much I can enjoy being seated on a trail like this. Once I did sit down, I did get better traction, but I didn't have as much power or comfort. 

 The trail was nice, but very windy and started to get cold.  The low temp was down in the 50's today. Looks like I'll begin looking for some warmer clothes.  I did wear a long sleeve under armor shirt along with my short sleeve.  

Another Pinehurst ride today. 4 laps. 1st lap 29:15, 2nd lap 30:00, 3rd lap 28:56, 4th lap 30:30.  All reds today again. I have 22 miles on my bike today and 555 overall. I had to make a quick ride back to the apt after Jimmy tore his tire and tube open between laps 2 and 3. There’s a spot at Pinehurst on the west side where there are 2x4s across the trail nailed down.  I’ve seen the nails come up before and since then I’ve been able to avoid the spot.  It looks like Jimmy will need to get a new tube and tire before he can ride again.

I don't think I've ever put so much time and effort into enjoying a sport like this. I absolutely love riding. Even when I'm huffing and puffing down the trail, riding down the street, or doing somewhat boring road rides, it's a great feeling to be hugging the turns and making your bike do exactly what you want it to do.  I know I must be annoying to my wife by talking about riding so often and probably to my friends as well.  I am glad they put up with me though.  I really wish I had started riding again sooner than I did. I have set the 200 mile goal per month for myself, but I am hoping to do much longer rides than what I have so far starting in the spring and summer of 2011.  I am contemplating even doing the Hotter Than Hell 100 on the Monocog in Mineral Wells next year. 

No ride today. I cleaned up the apartment and my room today. It was quite the mess. Were making chili at Heather and Trevors tonight. We’ll see how everyone likes spicy chili. 

It seems like everyone enjoyed both the spicy and the not so spicy chili. There was none left at the end of the evening, which may be a first at their house. I'm looking forward to some long rides this week at Pinehurst and then Miami /Ft Lauderdale next weekend. I had a good time watching the Walking Dead at 10 on AMC.  This show rocks!

11 more miles today. I hit Pinehurst a little after 5. I was only able to do one lap because it was getting dark. I had one of my best laps today and I was really happy with the trail conditions except for the sand. I really don't like sand. There's just not a lot of fun in going through it. I changed my music from just Mumford & Sons to a mix from my collection based upon Cage the Elephant's "Ain't No Rest for the Wicked". I was hauling through the trail today and ended my lap at 29:28. I rode around a bit to make it 11 miles and 566 miles total. I also got my new bottle opener in today. 

I met Jordan at Pinehurst today after getting a late start. He had already done one lap by the time I got there. I rode one lap off and on with Jordan and he had a few problems with his bike.

The first time we stopped his headset was loose. The second time we stopped I noticed he was having a lot of noise coming from his rear derailleur. It just didn't look right. He was able to finish the trail, but we headed back before it got worse. It was a leisurely 7 mile ride in 31:30 minutes. 

We took his bike to the shop he purchased it at to see what was wrong. Apparently, he was able to bend his derailleur so badly the shop said it had “exploded”. He decided to wait to get it repaired till he got back since he's leaving in 2 days. 573 miles total on the bike now.

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